Children’s writing is underpinned phonetical and grammatical knowledge that has a clear progression throughout the school. Linking their work to a class book and topic, ensures that children are engaged in their learning, always having a reference point for their work and not being left scared of an empty page. Knowledge of grammar underpins our children’s writing and there is a clear progression of skills as children move up the school with many Talk for Writing principles used in support of this.
From Early Years, children are exposed to high quality texts which they are supported to reenact, retell and recreate using ambitious vocabulary. English lessons are planned with the learning outcome at the forefront of our mind with a clear, age appropriate, example explored thoroughly to ensure the children know the purpose of their writing and what they will need to do to be successful. Each lesson builds towards a published piece of work which is proudly displayed in children’s own folders.
Grammar encompasses the core word and sentence level elements of the KS1 curriculum. From Year 1, children are taught grammar skills daily as part of their English lesson. Once the phonics curriculum is complete, spelling skills are taught daily with children expected to apply these across the wider curriculum.