Welcome to our Reception Classes
We would like to give you a warm welcome if your child is starting our school in September 2025.
Please find some information below which will help you to prepare your child each day.
Ms Budgen is the EYFS Lead and the teacher in Rowan Class
All you will need to bring to school each day is a water bottle and your book bag each Thursday. We will return this every Friday with some books for you to share at home.
Please make sure your child's name is on the bottle.
We only allow children to drink water or weak juice (and milk which is provided by school)
A named lunch box if your child is not having a free school lunch. All children are entitled to a free school hot meal or packed lunch. There are a wide range of choices from our menu which changes regularly.
Please buy the following items as your child will need to come to school wearing their P.E. kit on P.E. days.
A named P.E. kit :
A pair of dark shorts or jogging bottoms A white t-shirt Trainers/Plimsolls
Children will come to school wearing their P.E. kit on P.E. days. In the winter and on cold days please send your child wearing warm P.E. kit and a jumper.
A named coat
A pair of wellington boots (to be left at school)
Our school uniform is available to purchase and you will have received details of this with your welcome pack. Please also buy the following:
A pair of black school shoes. Please do not send shoes with laces until your child can confidently tie them. Velcro is preferable. Open toed sandals are not allowed to be worn at school for safety reasons.
A note on earrings, jewellery and watches:
Children must not wear jewellery, necklaces or watches for school. Earrings, if worn, must be studs and must be removed for PE.
Stud earrings only to be worn at school
Please help every day by:
- Arriving at 8.45 a.m.
- Waiting outside the gates in the car park until the gate is unlocked.
- Making sure your child is wearing fresh uniform each day.
- Reading at home for 5 minutes with your child every day.
- Collecting your child at 3.15 p.m. every day