Useful Websites

Young Carers Matter Norfolk on Twitter: "See something, hear ...

If you are stuck for ideas or find that your child has got some free time on their hands. Here are some websites that we recommend that your child might like to try...

Image result for david walliams

David Walliams is releasing a FREE audio story every day for the next 30 days. Click here to listen...

David Walliams audio stories

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Click on the link below to find a list of other authors that are sharing stories and activities with you online...

Online stories and activities

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For as long as schools are closed Amazon are allowing free access to stream audio books for kids to your phone, tablet, desktop and laptop computers. Click below for the link...

Amazon audio stories

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For Key Stage One and Two

Here are some additional daily maths challenges to try at home...

Maths home lessons

Question Mark Note Duplicate - Free image on Pixabay

With so many children feeling worried and anxious right now, the book below can help alleviate some of their fears. It has received some wonderful feedback and is a lovely resource to use as a discussion point as a family: 

What's going on?

myON Supports Texas with Free Digital Books • TechNotes Blog

On this website there are thousands of fiction and non-fiction books for your child to read, there is also the option to hear the audio version too. If you click on info, it will give a description of the book including the reading age or if you wish you can search the library to find books based on your child's interests, year group and reading age.

Read on with myON 

Guilsborough C of E Primary School - Childline

If you are having any worries or wish to discuss any concerns with someone we recommend contacting the Childline website. Even if you don't, there are some nice activities under the make and play tab to try or you can explore your feelings and get creative with the art box activity on the main page.


Active Norfolk (@ActiveNorfolk) | Twitter

If you wish for an alternative daily exercise to Joe Wicks, try the suggestions put together by Active Norfolk.

Active Norfolk