
Welcome to Nursery. Our Nursery Class is called Acorns and is based in a purpose built Nursery adjacent to Diss Children's Centre in the grounds of Diss Infant and Nursery School. If you would like to enrol your child in our Nursery please contact the school office. 

Our Nursery is for 3 and 4 year olds. We run a morning session (9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.) Monday to Friday in term time for 3 hours per session. We offer 24 places in our Nursery session. If we have space, we admit children from the term following a child's 3rd birthday. 


The sessions are led by Early Years qualified practitioners. 

Miss Rose is our Early Years Educator and is supported by 2 Early Years Practitioners, Mrs Mayes and Mrs Bishop-Smith. 


Our Nursery children wear the same uniform as the rest of our school. Please see the Parent section of our website for information about uniform. 


A typical morning in Nursery

The children are free to explore the provision when they enter Nursery and are supported by our Early Years Practitioners. 

We have two group sessions where children are taught early Mathematics, Literacy and Phonics, following our school phonics programme, Little Wandle. 

A useful parent link to the Little Wandle website can be found here: 

Phonic resources for parents


In the Early Years we follow 6 thematic units of work across the year. Our curriculum is broad and balanced, skills based, progressive and knowledge-rich and vocabulary driven. It enables our children to develop as happy, motivated, effective learners and independent thinkers. It lays the foundations for future learning so that all children can be school ready. Our themes are as follows: 

Knowing Me, Knowing You - Autumn 1 




Starry, Starry Night - 

Autumn 2 




Treasures of the Earth - 

Spring 1




Look at That! -

Spring 2 




What a Wonderful World - 

Summer 1




Building Bridges and Stepping Stones - Summer 2 




 The following PDF links show our thematic planning in more detail, with links to our Reception curriculum. 

nursery autumn 1 knowing me knowing you.pdf


nursery autumn 2 starry starry night.pdf


nursery spring 1 treasures of the earth.pdf


nursery spring 2 look at that .pdf


nursery summer 1 what a wonderful world.pdf


nursery summer 2 building bridges and stepping stones.pdf