Songs and games to play

Number Songs

Do you recognise any numbers yet? Can you count to 5 or even to 10? Here are some number songs for you to learn and sing at home ready for starting school. Click the green button to open a new page and hear the song. 

Five currant buns - BBC Teach

5 Currant Buns

Five little ducks went swimming one day - BBC Teach

5 Little Ducks Went Swimming One Day

Five little speckled frogs - BBC Teach

5 Little Speckled Frogs

Ten fat sausages sizzling in a pan - BBC Teach

10 Fat Sausages Sizzling in a Pan

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Once I caught a fish alive - BBC Teach

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Once I Caught a Fish Alive


Getting Dressed Songs

Are you good at getting dressed? Can you take off your shoes and socks? How good are you at getting ready for bed or getting your clothes on in the morning? At school we sometimes change our shoes and wear wellies if it is raining. We take our clothes off and put on shorts and a t-shirt ready to do P.E. in the hall. Now is the time to practise getting undressed and dressed again so you are ready for when you start school soon. 

Click the red button to hear some songs about getting dressed. 

Don't put your trousers on your head | LearnEnglish Kids | British ...

Don't Put Your Trousers on Your Head

Get Dressed for the Day Song | The Singing Walrus - YouTube

Get Dressed For the Day Song

Now you have learned to get dressed, let's sing a song about going to school.

This Is The Way We Go To School | School Songs | Songs for Kids ...

This is the Way We Go to School 

Play a game about starting school

Click on the yellow button to play a game. 

Play My First Day at School | Starting Primary School | Fun Online ...

My First Day at School 

Don't forget to keep singing the songs and playing the games ready for when you start school.