Information for parents
Starting school is an exciting time for both you and your child. It can also feel daunting, especially if this is a new experience for both of you. Rest assured that the staff in our school will work hard alongside you to help your child to settle quickly into their new class.
Here is a link to a guide which will help you to prepare your child for starting school.
Prepare Your Child For Starting School
Even with the best support, some children feel anxious about starting school. Sometimes the anxiety develops after they have been at school for a few weeks. It is really important to talk to your child's teacher if you feel your child is worried about anything. Here is a link to some ideas for managing anxiety.
We want your child to be ready to start school when the time comes. Parents often ask how they can help at home to prepare their child, especially in areas such as reading, writing and mathematics. Click on the link below for some ideas of how you can prepare your child for starting school.
Help Your Child Get Ready to Learn at School
Finally, please talk as much as you can to your child about starting school. In doing this, you will help to reduce anxieties, calm any worries and answer questions your child may have. To help you with ideas of what to talk about, click on the link below for a starting school quiz.