Our school has a formal uniform for all pupils. We see this as a way to show a positive and purposeful spirit in the attitude of our pupils and pride in our schools.
- All pupils are expected to present themselves in a neat and tidy way.
- Pupils may not wear make-up or jewellery (except one stud per ear for those with pierced ears) Earrings must be removed by the child, or before school, when there are P.E. games or swimming lessons.
- Hair colour and style should be sensible (no extreme fashions). We recommend that long hair is tied back at all times. It must be tied back for P.E. ,games, swimming and food preparation.
- Dark coloured shoes, which need to be sensible (no open-toe sandals) and must not include trainers (except for P.E.). If boots are worn to walk to school then children must have shoes in school to change in to.
- Skirts should not be shorter than 10 cms. above the knee.
Just a reminder that school uniform consists of:
- Dark grey or black trousers/skirt/shorts (no leggings or jeans)
- White shirt or polo shirt
- Navy blue jumper or cardigan (with optional school logo) (no hoodies)
- Black/dark school shoes
In the summer they may wear:
- Tailored shorts (sports shorts may not be worn)
- Blue and white checked gingham dresses for summer weather
- Sandals (not open-toed)
Sports wear
- White t-shirt
- Black shorts
- Trainers
- Plain dark Track suit/warm sweatshirt & jogging trousers (unbranded)
- Children who wear tights will also need a pair of socks
- Swimwear - trunks (no surf-style shorts) or costume (no bikinis), swimming hat
Please name all items of clothing and other belongings.
Our uniform suppliers are
Please click to go to website
If you have any concerns about uniform please do not hesitate to talk to us.
Uniform donations
We have a second-hand uniform rail in the front entrance of the infant school, which families can browse through and help themselves to any items which their child may need.
If you have any uniform, PE kit or school shoes in good, clean condition which your child has outgrown or you no longer need, we would be very grateful if you could bring them into school and hand them in at either of the school offices. If you have any spare children’s hangers you could donate, these would also be useful.
There is no need to ask to come in and have a look, just pop in and browse any time during school hours.