

Children in the Infant School begin in the academic year in which they become 5. The academic years run from September to August.

The Local Authority issues school preference forms to parents in November and

parents have until mid January to complete these.

The Local Authority considers all applications, allocates places and notifies parents. The criterion applied are as follows:

1. Children living nearest to the school who:

i. Hold a Statement or Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) naming the school or who are in Local Authority Care.

ii. Have a brother/sister already at the school.

iii. Have no brother/sister at the school.

2. Children living outside the school area who:

i. Have a brother/sister at the school.

ii. Attend feeder schools.

iii. Have no brother/sister at the school.

Where parents are seeking to have their child admitted part way through an academic year, they need to make applications directly to the Local Authority.

If the school is oversubscribed, the Local Authority will handle appeals.

All application forms are available on the Schools section of the Norfolk County Council website  .

A series of informal meetings are arranged for all new parents of children starting in Reception or Nursery class (June/July). We also hold special sessions for the children to visit the school and meet their teachers.


Over-subscription Rules for First Admission


If there are more applications for places than there are places available, the Local Education

Authority will give preference to children living nearest to the school according to the following

rules in this order of priority:

1. children with a Statement

of Special Educational Needs/EHCP naming that school

2. children who live within the designated area and have a brother or sister attending the school

at the time of their admission

3. children who live within the designated area and have a brother or sister attending the

adjoining junior school

4. children who live within the designated area and have no brother or sister connection with

that or the adjoining junior school

5. children who live outside the designated area and have a brother or sister attending the

school at the time of their admission

6. children who live outside the designated area and have a brother or sister attending the

adjoining junior school

7. children who live outside the designated area and have no brother or sister connection with

that or the adjoining junior school.


Policy for the Admission of children to Nursery classes

Children may be admitted in nursery class at the beginning of the term following their third

birthday, if a place is available.

Children usually start nursery class at the beginning of the term in September, January or April.

However, for children moving into the area, where a place is available, children may start mid-term.

Diss Infant and Nursery School offers five part-time sessions each week throughout the school year. The times of these sessions are 9.00am - midday.

Nursery places are limited and some of these places are reserved for children with Special

Educational Needs.

If there are more applications for places than there are places available, we will give preference

to children living nearest the school according to the following criteria in this order of priority:

1. Children with a statement of Special Educational Needs/EHCP naming that school

2. Children who live within the designated area and have a brother or sister attending the school at the time of their admission.

3. Children who live within the designated area and have a brother or sister attending the adjoining junior school at the time of their admission.

4. Children who live within the designated area and have no brother or sister attending the school or adjoining junior school at the time of their admission.

5. Children who live outside the designated area and have a brother or sister attending the school at the time of their admission.

6. Children who live outside the designated area and have a brother or sister attending the adjoining junior school at the time of their admission.

7. Children living outside the designated area and have no brother or sister attending the school or adjoining junior school at the time of their admission.


If you would like to apply for a nursery class place at Diss Nursery please contact the office  (01379 642768

If you are given a place in the nursery class, it does not mean your child will automatically have an admission place in the Reception year. You will be asked by the Local Authority nearer to the admission date whether you require a place for your child in the Reception class.

If you do not wish your child to attend nursery class for five sessions weekly, you must tell the Headteacher.

This may mean that five sessions will not be available later that academic year if you wish to increase sessions. Alternatively, you may delay your child’s admission into nursery class, but this may mean that a place will not be available later in the academic year if required.